Saturday, 11 July 2009

So ... first post!

So, this is my first post on my nice new blog (that I've set up now only because I'm bored and can't sleep).

I've decided to set up a proper blog to document my year abroad studying Law in Bordeaux, France ... mainly because after the novelty's worn off I'm sure I'll get fed up of having to give a run-down of events to EVERYONE who asks, so this makes it easier for anyone who's interested to keep up with what I'm doing. And my mum might not worry quite so much if she's getting regular updates on here (wishful thinking?!).

The other reason for keeping a blog is because when I come back for my 4th year at Nottingham to complete my Law with French degree, a large proportion of our French credits comes from a "year abroad project." I don't quite know yet what this entails, but it's been recommended to us that we all keep a diary while we're away to help us with that project. Now, I am going to TRY and keep a written diary as well, but past experience has proven that I'm actually pretty useless at keeping diaries, so if that fails I'm much more likely to keep this updated.

France might not be the most exciting or exotic of countries, not like people I know going to Australia, America, Singapore and other places that might seem a bit more blog-worthy, but I'm determined to make it a really exciting year, it's still an amazing opportunity and I'm not going to waste a second, so hopefully this blog will be worth reading.

I'm not actually going to France until September so creating this blog is probably quite premature, but like I said, I'm bored and I thought I'd kill some time setting it up. Plus, all the serious preparations are starting now, like trying to find somewhere to live, sorting out insurance, bank accounts, phone contracts, etc etc. So, until I've got something more interesting to write about, I can bore you all with things like that!

Anyway, here ends the first of my France-orientated posts, as I have to go and help my boyfriend move house all day tomorrow so I could really do with some sleep! So, thanks for reading, please KEEP reading my posts, I promise they'll get interesting eventually ;) x